
Jetzt habe ich es verstanden.

Ins­tead of app­ly­ing chan­ges with the commit com­mand, you can also use commit-confirm. The lat­ter com­mand reboots the device in 10 minu­tes (you can cus­to­mi­ze this value) unless the com­mit is con­firm­ed with the confirm com­mand. This is hel­pful when you are making chan­ges to a remo­te device and you do not want to risk losing access to it. If you acci­den­tal­ly lock yours­elf out of the device, the Edge­Rou­ter will reboot after 10 minu­tes and the boot/startup con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on is re-loaded.

Eigent­lich ist das bes­ser als reload in bei IOS.

Ler­nen durch Schmer­zen! Kann ich!

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