Supercomputer für Sohnemann

Ges­tern zum Geburts­tag bekam er einen neu­en Com­pu­ter. Allein der Kühl­kör­per zeigt, daß das eine Mons­ter­ma­schi­ne ist:

Es ist ein Odroid N2. Ich habe mal mit sei­nem alten C2 verglichen:


rainer@odroidc2:~$ stress-ng --matrix 0 -t 60s --metrics-brief
stress-ng: info:  [5255] dispatching hogs: 4 matrix
stress-ng: info:  [5255] cache allocate: using built-in defaults as unable to determine cache details
stress-ng: info:  [5255] cache allocate: default cache size: 2048K
stress-ng: info:  [5255] successful run completed in 60.02s (1 min, 0.02 secs)
stress-ng: info:  [5255] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s   bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [5255]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [5255] matrix            56882     60.00    239.00      0.11       948.04       237.89


odroid@ulu:~$ stress-ng --matrix 0 -t 60s --metrics-brief
stress-ng: info:  [18131] dispatching hogs: 6 matrix
stress-ng: info:  [18131] cache allocate: using built-in defaults as unable to determine cache details
stress-ng: info:  [18131] successful run completed in 60.00s (1 min, 0.00 secs)
stress-ng: info:  [18131] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s   bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [18131]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [18131] matrix           288400     60.00    357.18      0.21      4806.69       806.96

Ich sags ja: eine Monstermaschine! 🙂

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